Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 7 Vocabulary

Tell us how you feel about one of the following: homework, food, driving, art or sports. Use at least 4 vocabulary words to do so, and please write in either 2nd or 3rd person. (and have a great weekend while you're at it, too)


  1. If you're a student at the Kinkaid School, you know that homework is notorious. Homework. It's a word that you and all your friends dread. It pilfers your time. Instead of being in a state of repose, you're always stressed. Homework is a tenacious force and it's always there.

  2. there's a certain noteriety about the age 15. its kind of like a year of nothingness, its like a quagmire to be a your age. It actually is really hard, like there's NOTHING you can do, because the whole time you're 15, you're just waiting to become 16. 16, the year of omnipotence, the year that you feel omniscient, and all this comes along because FINALLY you can do the one thing that matters most in the world, drive. It's your DREAM to drive, all your life you've just waited for it, and only when you are 16 is it reachable, it's finally palpable. And that's why its the best year ever.

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  5. Generally a tenacious picky eater, she often acts prodigally with her dinner. Her mother constantly reminds her that there are starving children in plebeian societies, but she pontificates that there are enough magnanimous people in the world to feed them. She believes that she should be offered only food of the best quality and that she should pick their family dinner everyday.

  6. You aren't the artsiest person in the world and this fact isn't exactly surreptitious. However, you have plenty of other passions! You've traveled all over the world and experienced many different cultures. You've spent years studying these cultures and have actually become quite the polyglot. You don't mean to pontificate as you discuss your academic achievements, but you can't help but weigh them more than those with artistic ones. You just personally feel that many visual artists live a life of repose instead of working.

  7. If you've even been in a musical before, you know how notoriously time consuming they are. However, you will also note how fun participating in a musical is- there is never a lackadaisical moment in the entire process. From day one of learning music, to the many days of blocking with the omnipotent director, to the palpable stress of the last dress rehearsal, to the last curtain call, there is nary a repose to be found. You and your fellow performers are almost polyglots- the theatre has its own language, as well as its own music.

  8. Homework at kinkaid has gained notoriety due to the vast amounts it is given in. Teachers seem to think these students are omniscient and are able to finish this homework in 30 minutes or less. Teachers will tenaciously saw that they didn't give that much homework even when everys single students says otherwise. If a student did not finish the homework, they find themselves in a quagmire when their teachers give them zeros or incompletes.

  9. If you are that driver who stops at the yellow light, is constantly cut off by other drivers, and drives 10 miles per hour under the speed limit, then keep reading. You need to learn to be a tenacious driver that doesn't yield to those sleek sports cars or oversized trucks. You need to be stolid behind the wheel, refusing to let other drivers aggravate you. When caught in a quagmire on the road, you need to take charge and immediately make the most palpable decision. Most importantly, you need to get over that lackadaisical attitude that you have towards driving, and then maybe you will be able to drive with a purpose.

  10. You know what's coming. That moment when you have to be stolid, ignoring the pain as long as possible. You know that your time of repose is just around the corner. Its time to prove your tenacity; you have to prove that your dedication is palpable. You have to finish the running, but you're running on fumes. You have to push through the last sprint. It's the only way the coaches will see that you really care about the sport you play.

  11. In the mornings you are lackadaisical, like most teenagers are. But, this is not the time to be driving! When you are not paying attention, or about to fall asleep is when you are most likely to get caught in a quagmire. If you do drive in the mornings, it is time to get our of repose and drink a cup of coffee. You do not want to achieve notoriety for getting into a terrible accident and hurting someone.

  12. You are done late at night. You are neglected, not given attention over the repose that those kids crave. It's ok, you can feel sorry for yourself. It is natural that you feel sordid. You are a mute polyglot, but you are omniscient. If only those kids payed attention to you. If only you entertained them.

  13. After hours, you still aren't finished. You need to go to bed but you still have work to do. You are caught in a quagmire. Do you finish homework or get a good nights sleep? You are becoming frustrated. You decide to stay awake because you are a tenacious person. As it gets later, you become more and more lackadaisical. Wishing you could make time for a repose. After studying for hours, you feel like your omniscient.

  14. Some people can use the arts to receive a repose effect, but others find the arts as a prodigal waste of time. It just depends on your hobbies and interests. Many people are magnanimous towards the arts; donating enormous amounts of money every year. However, the others who are stoics and have no excitement when it comes to arts, most likely never donate any money and probably rarely visit museums.

  15. Homework: something no one can escape. It seems to pilfer all of your time and just when you think you are done, you haven't even started. Hardly does one feel in a repose manner while trying to complete the mounds of homework assigned by teachers. A select number of teachers are notorious for providing their students with enough homework to last them a lifetime. These teachers possess a magnanimous quality in the amounts of homework they provide for their students.

  16. You feel omnipotent with the wind rushing through your hair and the sun beaming into your copper skin. You tenaciously refuse to give up even as your legs tire. Repose didn't appear to even be choice. You let your face turn stoic and stolid, not showing the pain of running or the joy that will result from your hard work. All you focus on is the thumping of your feet against the turf.

  17. Often when she drives, she avoids getting into huge quagmires. She is an average driver, but she is notorious for jerking the car to a stop every time she drives. But she believes that it isn't really her fault; she thinks that there aren't enough magnanimous drivers on the road. Whenever she drives in the right lane, some fast car darts in front of her and then randomly slows down, making her slam on the brakes. She usually keeps a stoic face while she drives, but sometimes, she just wants to scream in frustration. Neither her or her parents rarely get repose while she is driving because they usually come out with terrible headaches because of the braking.

  18. Homework destroys the repose of them. The students of the Kinkaid School are omniscient from the years of intense schooling and homework that has been assigned to them by their teachers. This continual flow of homework by tenacious teachers had lead to them living in a quagmire. They must decide to keep up their grades by continually studying or letting them drop and not have so much stress on their shoulders.

  19. Homework is notorious among students. No one likes it. Homework also pilfers their free time. They would rather act lackadaisical and not complete their work. Students would rather spend their time in repose. However, if they didn’t do any homework they would find themselves in a quagmire with their teacher.

  20. Kinkaid is notorious for their homework load. When Selim starts his home work at 4:15 and finishes at 11:30 he is completely enervated. Homework pilfers Selim's time and puts him into a quagmire. Selim's sleep deprivation leaves him stoic and numb to any kind of emotion.

  21. Everyday, students dread their notorious homework assignments. Some polyglots who take 2 languages in addition to English must deal with even more homework than normal. If these students want to perform well in their classes, they must not be lackadaisical. Rather, they must work diligently at their homework. Furthermore, if they don't do their homework they're in a quagmire during class discussions or pop quizzes. Even though homework is tedious, you should do it!

  22. Lots of students take advantage of the arts programs at Kinkaid. At first, when the students enter into the arts, they do it lackadaisically since Kinkaid requires one arts credit. However, after about one week into the class, most renege and start to appreciate the arts. Having the ability to express oneself makes the students feel omnipotent since nothing can block their love for expressing themselves. The magnanimous teachers play a large role in helping the students ease into arts and start to enjoy and express themselves through art.

  23. Kinkaid students handle school in different ways. Some spend their time in a quagmire, trying to reach omniscience. Others repose, rarely turning in assignments; seniors make up the vast majority of these. Some of these lackadaisical students earn notoriety with teachers and other students. In addition, other students spend their time in a stoic manner pontificating their perfidious conversations about the stock market and the latest facts on finance. Nonetheless, all of these students tenaciously go about their ways.
