Welcome back to 92.4 The Book, your home for classic short stories in the car!
It's your host the Librarian, and today boy do I have something special for you!
Today I have in studio with me none other than the man himself Tobias Wolff!
L: How are you doing Mr. Wolff?
TW: Oh please, call me Tobias.
L: Well Tobias, we've read quite a few things on this station of yours, and you always seem to get the fans calling in putting forth their artistic views on the short stories.
TW: Oh really? Well I am glad everyone has enjoyed them! Which stories have you read?
L: Well, the main story we have read was Bullet in the Brain but we have also read Hunters in the Snow.
TW: Oh those are some of my most well known pieces!
L: That they are, so Tobias tell me about yourself in five sentences or less.
TW: Okay, well I was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1945. For high school I went to the Hill School which is a boarding school, and Concrete High School in Washington. Then out of high school I was taken into the Vietnam War. Then when I finally got back I first went to Hetrtford (Oxford) College and got my degree in English. And finished my education by finally getting my Masters of Arts in creative writing from Stanford University. And now, for those who did not know, I am a short stories writer and an English teacher at Stanford University. So, there are my five sentences.
L: Oh.. you actually said six, its okay thought! I can see why you didn't become a math major!
TW: Hahaha and I loved English.
L: Well I am sure hope you did after all of your success and awards! What different type of awards do you have again? Tell the listeners how good of a writer you are!
TW: Well I am being humble when saying this, but I have won the Rea Award for the Short Story, the O, Henry Award on three different occasions, and finally the Story Prize.
L: Do you hear that guys! That's a total of six different awards, that is incredible.
TW: Well its less about the awards and more about the writing for me.
L: Good insight Tobias, so final question before we have to leave these beautiful people, what would you say made you most famous and skyrocketed your career?
TW: I would have to say The Boy's Life, which were my memoirs.
L: Well you heard it here folks, go out and buy The Boy's Life if you do not already have it, well thank you so much for coming Tobias, I hope you had a great time on air with me, the Librarian, and having all of our listeners listening in on you!
TW: Well thank you for having me on today!

L: Well folks it is now the end of short stories time with me, the Librarian, and next up is personal narrative hour with, the Archivist, but before you go do not forget to check out the website where there will be a link to a video of Tobias Wolff reading another short story of his called Say Yes. There will also be a picture of him we took of him in studio up on the page. Then finally there will be one last link to his faculty page at Stanford University. Well that is all, I hope to see you back here tomorrow at our usual time, 3 p.m. See you all tomorrow!
good job Ryan! I really liked how you made it a radio interview, that was really smart. It was really funny and I learned a lot about your author. It seems that you really spent a long time researching him. This was a really great post!