Joan Didion
Joan Didion (1934), the name has flow to it. It's not long and easy to pronounce making it an ideal name. The problem is that the name's simplicity has no relevance to the author's experiences. Mrs. Didion faced problems that proved difficult to put up with not to mention the many situations she was put in that left a lasting impression on her life. As a young girl she began to write yet didn't see herself as a writer until she was a published author. Also at a young age she was an ambitious reader, calling herself a, " shy, bookish child." She attempted to overcome timidness through acting and public speaking. She went to kindergarten and first grade but was held back by her father's direct involvement in World War 2. She was only able to return to school at age nine due to constant relocation. Her home town of Sacramento still left a nostalgic feeling in her heart. After attending Berkeley she was hired by Vogue and ranked up quickly associate feature editor. She married John Gregory Dunne from Time Magazine and they had a daughter named Quintana. Tragically one night in the winter of 2003, her husband had a heart attack and died. Only in August of 2005 her daughter died of massive hematoma. This seriously effected her overall character. Looking back on her Odyssey we can only wait for her rebirth, because in my opinion an award from literature just won't fit the job.
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